
Compliance for sustainable and responsible success

“Compliance” has been on everyone’s lips in recent years. The word refers to honouring legal standards, company guidelines and other regulations such as instructions and company-wide agreements. This is not a new concept for the HEINZ-GLAS Group – as our almost 400 years of tradition prove.
And to ensure we meet our requirements even better and to give all HEINZ-GLAS employees a clear orientation for their actions, we have created a dedicated department.

It will monitor the following areas:

  • conformity with legal requirements
  • compliance with internal regulations and codes of behavior
  • monitoring of guidelines when dealing with external customers, business partners and competitors

Complying with legal rules and regulations is a matter of course for us

Compliance serves as an orientation aid for responsible and lawful conduct. It is an integral part of our corporate culture and lays the foundation for the confidence placed in us by our customers, business partners and the public. Compliance thus applies to all HEINZ-GLAS Group institutions, every employee, every manager, the Board of Trustees, the owner and all business partners. Everyone concerned is obligated to align their actions to the legal standards, guidelines and corporate values of the HEINZ-GLAS Group.

Compliance will be checked by regular and appropriate audits. Moreover, we encourage all our business partners to also take these principles into account. Because responsible and legal conduct is an important factor of success for us. To achieve this corporate objective and to ensure sustainable and long-term success, all those involved need to act in a way that is compliant, value-based, and lawful.

Compliance at all levels

The Director of Global Compliance together with managing directors of the HEINZ-GLAS Group bear responsibility for compliance. Together with compliance officers, they ensure that all elements relevant to compliance are implemented in the various fields of activity. In particular, this applies to compliance with the regulations relating to antitrust and corruption law, taxation, data protection and environmental law. The Director of Global Compliance together with managing directors and compliance officers play a pivotal role within the companies in this respect. Business decisions and conduct must always comply with the applicable legal provisions and the values and regulations of the HEINZ-GLAS Group. Managing directors are unconditionally and unreservedly committed to clarifying and investigating grievances within the company and taking corrective action for the future. Misconduct will neither be accepted nor tolerated, but will instead be clarified and appropriately penalized and stopped.

Compliance organization tasks:

  • systematic identification and analysis of relevant risks
  • establishing and improving company-internal regulations and guidelines
  • information, training and ongoing advice to the managing directors, the employees and business partners, and
  • monitoring compliance with the regulations and identifying infringements.

Reporting system

Reporting system

It is important to us that we are informed of (possible) infringements to legal standards or internal compliance policies. The reason for this is certainly not to denounce colleagues or supervisors – our objective is, rather, to promote a culture of exchange. Typical conduct should be questioned and atypical situations should be pointed out. Only in this way will we be able to initiate the appropriate corrective actions and avoid potential damage to customers, employees, the environment, business partners and the company.

Anyone (also anonymously) may directly report infringements via the HEINZ-GLAS Group reporting system. When making an anonymous report, please ensure your information is as detailed as possible and include documents, if available, that substantiate your suspicions.

Every report will be diligently checked. Further actions will be initiated if suspicious incidents prove to be justified.

Of course, you still have the option of approaching a trusted person in your immediate work environment if you suspect (potential) infringements.

Important: Every person reporting an incident is obliged to check their information according to the best of their knowledge and belief beforehand. Those who intentionally provide false information must expect consequences under criminal or civil law.

Reporting channels:

Glashüttenplatz 1-7
96355 Kleintettau

Contact form:

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