Unsere aktuellen Themen bei HEINZ-GLAS:

- von 69 Newseinträgen

CBE Shanghai

May 12 - 14, 2021


"Asia’s Largest Beauty Trade Show"

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Investment at HEINZ-GLAS Kleintettau

At the beginning of March this year, the HEINZ-GLAS Group commissioned a new glass melting furnace at its Kleintettau location. The project involved investments of around 15 million euros - not a decision to be taken lightly in times of the global…

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Girls'Day | 22.04.2021

Ab durch die Hütte | Mechatronikerin | Verfahrensmechanikerin | Technische Produktdesignerin | Werkzeugmechanikerin

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HEINZ‐GLAS Działdowo ‐ nowa inwestycja

Firma stawia na jeszcze więcej ekorozwiązań.

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Limited Edition Collections by HEINZ-GLAS

The German glass maker HEINZ-GLAS, is the producer of the glass, including the decoration, for two limited editions recently launched by Estée Lauder.

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Addicted to glass